Authentic Seduction

(of Everything You’ve Ever Wanted)

Access your true desires and show up in the world with the confidence you envy in others

We have got seduction all wrong. When we think about seduction, I’d bet money that it conjures up certain images; somewhere in those will be a woman lying languidly on a couch, perhaps with red lipstick and long nails. Maybe seduction calls up ideas of deliveries of flowers; chocolates, hand written notes. The word seduction can bring up memories of classic films like The Graduate where Mrs Robinson seduces a young Dustin Hoffman.

But actually, although The Graduate does an excellent job of portraying the essence of seduction, most people miss it. Seduction isn’t about showing a stocking-covered thigh, it is about a deep and calm acceptance of the self, and prioritisation of one's own desires.

I could write an academic article on seduction and the way in which this idea is related to the history of courtship and courtly love, how seduction has become commodified and commercialised, packaged up and sold off as a way to manipulate, convince and ultimately destroy the victim of a seduction.

Instead I'm upgrading and refining my popular Authentic Seduction Masterclass to share it all with you in a fun, practical class.

During our time together you will learn how to:

  • Access your true desires and show up in the world with the confidence you envy in others

  • Use very basic astrology to time your dates, launches, events 

  • Make and use magickal oils to enhance seductive power

  • The power of scent, colour, memories and subconscious signals 


  • Seven days of WhatApp group chat: Ask questions and have me answer them, build a community, feel connected and learn from other people on this path.

Friday, October 18 at 7:00pm BST (2:00pm EDT, 11:00am PDT)

If you aren’t able to join us live, a recording will be sent out 24 hours afterwards and you will have lifetime access to the masterclass.

All my Monthly Masterclasses include SEVEN DAYS of access to me in a custom WhatsApp group. We create a special container in the masterclass and continue to hold that space as a community over the next week.

Ask questions, deep dive concepts, learn from each other, share your experiences, make friends and be part of something cosy and kind, safe and powerful.

Here is some of the feedback from past masterclasses:

“The class was spectacular and I’m learning so much."

"I didn't anticipate quite how transformative the class would be..."

 "I have felt INCREDIBLE since the masterclass and the sensations are only picking up intensity."

"Thank you for sharing so much in this space."

Expect to have fun, and come away fundamentally changed in a totally positive way. 

I'll be channelling all of my extensive knowledge, passion and practical experience into this incredibly powerful masterclass.