Magickal Ceremony Calendar
from Dr. Kate Tomas
Do you want to make more space in your life for intentional ceremony and ritual? Have you already got a magickal or ritual practice but you struggle with consistency, or feel confused about when the best time is to perform certain rituals for particular aims? Maybe you’re totally new to ritual work and ceremonial magick and want simple to follow guidance from an experienced practitioner. Whatever your relationship to astrology, magick and ritual, I’m confident my Magickal Ceremony Calendar is going to be one of the most useful magickal tools you can have access to.
Choosing the correct astrological moment to perform ritual work is vitally important if you want your magick to actually work. You can co-create ritual without reference to the movements and positions of the celestial bodies but that same ritual performed at the right time vs an arbitrarily
chosen time is like the difference between trying to download a video using dial-up internet vs superfast fibre broadband. Or maybe a better analogy would be the difference between trying to get pregnant by having sex on the days you know you're ovulating, vs having sex on an arbitrarily chosen day once a year. It might work if you’re really lucky but if you can give yourself that luck, why wouldn’t you want to radically improve your chances?
Astrology is a complex art-science that takes a lifetime to deepen into relationship with. With the Magical Ceremony Calendar you get to borrow my 20+ years of training and experience.
Here’s what’s included:
Access to the calendar in GCal and iCal formats for the duration of your subscription
A new, unique ritual each month aligned with the biggest astrological events of the year
These rituals will support you in the areas of money/business, love/seduction, and protection/boundaries (four rituals per category throughout the year)
Rituals for the full and dark moons

Whether you are new to magickal practice or want to bring more intention and know-how to your rituals so that they can have a bigger impact, this calendar will support you in creating a life that is authentic, empowered, and aligned.